Dani is already at High School (1st ESO) now and I can't be prouder of him because he is a really hard- working, nice and responsible student. No wonder why his first mark at English at High School was 10! He used to tell me his secrets, ask me for advice and talk about his dreams. Being his English teacher for three years has been a great honour for me. His Galician teacher, Lorena, asked him to talk about his life in a square metre and guess what..! He has included me in it! What a wonderful surprise! Thanks for making my day, Dani! I'm sure all your dreams will come true! I love you to the moon and back!
Although we tried to do our best, this Halloween has been a little bit quiet at school due to the covid protocol. However, Asier celebrated it at home making a pumpkin cake. Thanks for sharing it with us, Asier! Great picture!🎃 Tip : Click on the image to make it bigger.
Hi girls and boys!😉 How are you? I hope you have had a wonderful summer and you are full of energy to start this new and weird year. 💪 First of all, I would like you to be happy and calm because your teachers are trying to do their best to keep you safe. You just have to follow some simple rules and be serious and responsible about them. I can't wait to see you again, share with you so many good moments and learn a lot of new stuff. See you all very soon! Lots of hugs and kisses!
There is a story behind this quote that Laura and me won't ever forget... Thank you for keeping your promise, Laura! I am very proud of you and I'm sure I will receive your postcard from the USA some day. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS, THEY KNOW THE WAY! I love you and I will miss you a lot!
There is a quote that says: " It is a l aw of n at ure that you wi ll reap what you sow" but I think that I have a su rplus of my harvest because my plot is always very fruitful. Aarón wanted to show me how good his English was and I can´t be more proud of him. That´s the best present a teacher can get but he has worked a lot to achieve his level. CONGRATULATIONS!! Thank you so much for your amazing video, Aarón! YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SWEET! I WILL MISS YOU A LOT AND I HOPE YOU COME TO VISIT ME IN SEPTEMBER!
Another student is leaving school this year and her mum sent me one of the most touching e-mails I have ever received... The dedication of this picture reads: "Un pequeño cariño para alguien que reparte tanto...". Thanks so much, Paula! I am the luckiest teacher in the world because my students are the best! I don´t deserve that much! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE DEMONSTRATIONS, ÓSCAR! I LOVE YOUR PICTURES AND I AM REALLY MOVED BY THEM. I WILL MISS YOU A LOT! GOOD LUCK!
I was deleting some files from my mobile phone because I needed more space but when I watched these videos again I couldn´t do it! They brought me back some good and funny memories and I couldn´t stop laughing... Last year, Eira, Uxía, Noa and Alba invented some songs for me and then they went on a musical tour around the school. I think they are going to be mad at me when they see this post. WHY? Well, they might be"a little bit embarrased" because they are in 5th grade now, (6th grade next school year) and they are not little girls anymore. Sorry girls!! So that is the story of how I became famous for a day! You might think I am the most egocentric person in the world... I don´t blame you but I promise I didn´t have anything to do with the lyrics! 😂😂😂 PS: If you want me to sign an autograph for you, don´t forget to bring your face masks to my stand.😜
Luca will go to High School next year and he sent to me this funny video to say good bye. I ´m glad he thinks that I worked very hard but I am still waiting for his mark! 😜 THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR LOVELY SURPRISE, LUCA! HAVE A GREAT SUMMER AND GOOD LUCK!😍💓
Do you remember my challenges for you during the quarantine? Just in case you forgot them, click on the link below... https://learningtheropeswithlou.blogspot.com/2020/04/teacher-lourdes-challenges.html Well, most of you answered my questions in your notebooks or on the comments below but Sabela (6th A) strived to make them very nice and original. EXCELLENT, SABELA!!!! THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO DO THIS GREAT JOB!
Nico is going to go to High School next year and he is taking a huge part of my heart with him. If you click on this video, you will know why !! SEE YOU SOON, MY TEACHER OF THE TITANIC´S HISTORY! Thanks for your love, for your hard work and for teaching me how to be a better teacher. I ´M GOING TO MISS YOU, GUY!
Sometimes, when you want to give a surprise, you are the surprised one! Thank you very much for your lovely video, Lucas. I really loved it! BEING YOUR TEACHER DURING THESE THREE YEARS HAS BEEN A PLEASURE AND I WILL MISS YOU A LOT...GOOD LUCK!
Can you see a happy bunny on the grass because there is not English homework anymore until September?? I´M GLAD YOU LIKED MY PRESENT, XIANA! THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVELY VIDEO!
I n this wonderful video, María is telling us about her hobbies during the quarantine. She was very busy everyday because she is also studying piano at the Music Conservatory with online lessons but she made a great effort anyway to send me all the videos as I asked for. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION AND FOR THE SONG YOU DEDICATED TO ME, MARÍA! I LOVED IT! GREAT JOB! Answer these questions after watching the video, please: 1. What day is it? 2. What´s the weather like? 3. Where is María? 4. What is she wearing? 5. How many hobbies has she got? Which ones? 6. Name 5 objects you can see in María´ s bedroom. 7. Do you like María´ s song? Why? 8. What kind of tree is María watering? 9. What did she cook? 10. What is María wearing in the last picture?
Marco has sent me lots of pictures of his great masterpieces, games, puzzles, paintings, letters and he has worked so much during this quarantine. I am really proud if him! And... to top it all off, he sent me these lovely pictures of his first day out and an audio to wish me a happy summer. What else can I ask for? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR EXCELLENT JOB, MARCO! YOU ARE A GREAT EXAMPLE OF A HARD-WORKING STUDENT! Just click on the link below to listen to his lovely message: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ACQk8ygT2RvNF1-LsvDz7J5quoVWQomz/view?usp=sharing
I love opening my email account these days because I always find a cool surprise like this touching message. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, ALBA! I LOVED YOUR COLOURFUL PRESENT!
Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much for your wonderful present, guys! I loved the way you made this video together. You are a great team! It´s fantastic! Have a great summer and good luck in High School, André! I will be waiting for your visit!
I couldn´t stop laughing my heart out when I watched this hilarious video! If you want to have fun, click on it because I´m sure you will enjoy it as much as I did! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SURPRISE, AARÓN! I LOVED IT!!!
As soon as I opened my email account this morning, this wonderful surprise popped up and it brightened up my day! THANK YOU VERY MUCH, UXÍA! I LOVE YOU TOO!!
On this video, Hugo opens his magical book for us to talk about one of his favourite animals. If you want to find out more about it, please, click on the link below and you will be surprised! THANK YOU VERY MUCH, HUGO! EXCELLENT JOB!! S EE YOU LATER, ALLIGATOR! SEE YOU IN A WHILE, CROCODILE!
Do you have a sweet tooth? If you do and you feel like having a treat, don't miss this delicious recipe made by Jose Paulo with his grandma's help. He enjoys spending time with her and they make a very good team. T hanks so much for sharing this wonderful video with us, Jose Paulo! Great job! By the way, Jose Paulo´s mum has written the ingredients for us just in case we want to try it. I encourage you to do it as it looks gorgeous! I NGREDIENTS 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of oil, 4 tablespoons of flour, 3 tablespoons of chocolate, 3 tablespoons of milk and, added after everything is homogeneously mixed, 1/2 coffee spoon of baking soda.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION IN MY CHALLENGE, YAIZA! In this amazing video, she is singing one of the most beautiful songs of all times,"IMAGINE" by John Lennon and she accomplished another challenge too! GREAT JOB, YAIZA!!!! KEEP IT UP!
Do you feel like dancing or just have fun? If you do, watch this amazing video where Xiana is teaching us how to dance a catchy song. I wish I could dance like her! I am really impressed! WELL DONE, XIANA! THANK YOU!
In this video, Guille is singing "Imagine" by John Lennon under a beautiful leafy tree in order to accomplish his teacher´s challenge. GREAT JOB, GUILLE! THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATION AND FOR YOUR COURAGE!!
Our 4th grades are telling us what they like and what they don´t like on these funny videos. I am very proud of them because they did a fantastic job!! YOU ARE THE BEST, GUYS! THANK YOU!!!
Last Sunday, it was Zoe´s birthday and her mum asked her classmates and her teachers to wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY on a short video. It was a wonderful surprise! I hope you like it!
As you will see, Héctor is learning a lot of things these days and he wants to show us his new hobbies. Are you ready? Just click on the link below: After watching this great video, answer these questions, please: 1. Does Héctor miss school? 2. What kind of food can he make? 3. What instrument can he play? 4. Can you see any other musical instrument? Which one? Do you think that he knows how to play it? Why? 5. What is he wearing? 6. Can you read any English word in his right sock? ;) 7. What colour is his carpet? 8. Write 10 toys that you can see on the video. 9. What part of the house is he in? Do you like it? Why? 10. Did you enjoy his video? Why? THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION, HÉCTOR! EXCELLENT JOB!
Would you like to know Miriam´s family? Just click on the link below and you will see how nice and friendly all of them are! Pleased to meet you, Miriam´s family! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION, MIRIAM! ANOTHER CHALLENGE ACCOMPLISHED !
If you want to have fun with another famous rapper called Miriam, just click on the link below and enjoy her rap! You can try dancing with her! GREAT JOB, MIRIAM!
The famous rappers, Yaiza and her brother Yerai, have launched their new CD this quarantine! They made the cover and the CD presentation for their famous song called :"The Tiger street rap"! You can´t miss the oportunity to listen to them for the first time on this blog! ENJOY!!!
Songs are great sources of "real-life" language and you can use music to practise lots of different language skills like pronunciation, intonation, listening, reading, new vocabulary and expressions... Moreover, learning English through songs is a fun way to study the language! I encourage you to listen and sing more songs in English. You would be surprised by your progress! Remember that you can use this great page to practise too : https://es.lyricstraining.com/ KARAOKE VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR70Dg0_o1A CHALLENGE!!!! You can send me your videos singing this song or any other you like in karaoke version ! You can dance too ! Are you brave enough to do it? I´d bet you are! I will be waiting for your own versions! AND REMEMBER TO SING IT ALOUD! I CAN´T HEAR YOU!!! 😎
First riddle: What gets wetter as it dries? wet : húmedo, mojado. wetter: más húmedo, más mojado. to dry: secar. to get wet : mojarse as : mientras Second riddle: What has a neck but not a head? Third riddle : There are three men on a ship. The ship tips over and all three of them get wet but only two wet their hair... Why? Answers are coming soon! Please , try to use your brains and don't look on the Internet! 😉
What would be your reaction if when you are checking your mails a cute video like this one pops up? 😍 I think I am the luckiest teacher in the world! THANK YOU VERY MUCH, ZOE! 😘 I miss you too!♥️🌈💙
I f you want to review the Present Simple in the cutest way ever , have a look at Eire´s Power Point because she talks about her daily routines during the quarantine through the characters of her lovely doll house! It´s really funny and original! I fell in love with this cute house, didn´t you?! It´s absolutely gorgeous! WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SLIDE? I COULDN´T PICK JUST ONE! F ANTASTIC JOB, EIRE!! THANK YOU!!
New technologies have helped me to keep in touch with my old students through Instragram or through any other social media. I love it , that´s why I have to be up-to-date! All of them have left a trace on me because we spent three years together sharing many unforgettable moments. I remember Noa, she is in 2º ESO now and she is not a little girl anymore but I remember when she used to wait for me at the end of the class when everybody had gone to tell me about her problems and ask me for advice about her first crushes. She was so funny! Noa loved drawing and when I saw this amazing picture on her Instragram, I ask her if I could post it on the blog because I am sure that y ou a ll will indentify with her picture. She is an artist!! She was so nice and generous that she not only let me post it but also she dedicated it to me. I can´t believe she wasn´t sure if I remembered her! Thank you very much, Noa! I want you t...
TITLE: THE BRITISH ISLES a) How many British Isles are there in Europe? Which ones? b) What´s the name of the biggest one ? c) What´s the name of the smallest one? d) How many countries are there in Great Britain (the big island)? Which ones? e) How many countries are there in Ireland (the small island)? Which ones ? f) How many countries are there in the British Isles ? Which ones? g) How many countries are there in the United Kingdom (UK)? Which ones? 1. REMEMBER!!! Countries, capitals and nationalities are always written in capital letters! Examples : S cotland, B elfast, W elsh. 1. ...
I like + verb + ing I like swimm ing / I don´t like swimm ing Do you like swimm ing? Yes, I do / No, I don´t. What do you like doing? I like taking photos. VERBS: dancing, cooking, drawing, hiking, listening to music, playing basketball, playing games, playing the guitar, reading books, riding a bicycle, singing, swimming, taking photographs, watching TV.
Would you like know more ideas to have fun? Well, I think that one of them is watching this video because I'm sure that Lúa will make you laugh and you will enjoy her video as much as I did! MOLTO BENE, FUNNY GIRL! 👏👏👏😜 When you stop laughing answer these questions, please 😄 1. Where is Lúa? 2. How many ideas is she giving us? 3. What new language is she studying? 4. Can you translate her sentence? 5. Are you learning any other language?Which one? 6. What's your favourite Lúa's idea? 7. Where did she go? Why? 8. Describe Lúa's personality in three words.
CONGRATULATIONS, AARON! You have accomplished your teacher´s challenge !!!It´s a very difficult song but you did a great job anyway. Thank you! Come on guys, try any other song you like! It´s just for fun and it will help you to improve your English pronunciation, entonation and vocabulary! AWESOME JOB, AARÓN! YOU ARE BRAVE! Thanks for sharing it and make us have fun! I LOVED IT!
1. Copy the WH questions and How in your notebook: WH QUESTIONS AND HOW a) What? à ¿Qué? b) When? à ¿Cuándo? c) Where? à ¿Dónde? d) Why? à ¿Por qué? Answer: BECAUSE à (porque…) e) Who? à ¿Quién? f) How? à ¿Cómo? 2. Repeat the 5 WH questions and HOW in your practise notebook and study them: Example: a) What What What à ¿Qué? 3. Copy these questions and answer them in your notebook: a) What are you doing now? I´m… b) When is your birthday? It´s on the… c) Where is your English book? It´s … d) Why are you happy ? Because…. e) Who cooks in your house? My… f) ...