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In this video you can see Lucas´daily routines. He made me laugh a lot and I really enjoyed watching him because it is like having a peephole on your door to spy his house! 😂😂😂

After watching Lucas´ video, could you answer these questions?

1. What time does Lucas get up?
2. What is the first thing he does in the morning?
3. Can you translate the words on Lucas´ pyjamas?
4. What does he have for breakfast?
5. What does he do after breakfast?
6. What does he do in the afternoon?
7. What time does he start doing sport? How long? 
8. How do you say "sentadillas" in English?
9. What time does he go to bed?

KEY WORDS: to wake up, to get up, to have breakfast, to have dinner, to have lunch, squats, in the morning, in the afternoon, at midday, in the evening, at night, to do sport, how long?, daily routines, peephole, to spy.

Well done, Lucas and thanks for showing us your house! It´s really cool!

By the way, I loved Lucas´s last sentence: THERE IS ONE LESS DAY LEFT TO SEE YOU!


  1. ��������What a fun video, Lucas.


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