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A primavera por fin chegou e aproveitando os primeiros raios de sol, o noso alumnado de quinto e de sexto de Primaria está a disfrutar das clases de conversa en pequenos grupos con Prerna.

Encántalles relaxarse ao sol e falar en inglés no patio porque desta maneira, séntense máis cómodos e libres para expresarse.

Ademáis, quixera aproveitar esta ocasión para agradecer a Prerna e a o noso novo Equipo Directivo (Ángeles, Isis e Araceli) a ilusión que transmiten e as facilidades que sempre nos dan para levar a cabo calquera proxecto proposto.

Moitísimas grazas por facelo posible! 


Spring is already here, that's way on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, our 5th and 6th graders are having speaking lessons in small groups with our language assistant Prerna.

They love relaxing in the sunshine and having a conversation outdoors because they feel more comfortable and free to express their feelings.

In addition, I would love to thank Prerna and our new management team, (Angeles, Isis and Araceli) for the excitement they show for every project we want to achieve.

Thanks so much for making it possible!


  1. Thanks for making this activity, I'm sure they enjoy lots those moments lying in the sun and speaking with Prerna. XXX

    1. You are welcome, Olga! They really enjoyed it and they improved their speaking so much this year.
      Hopefully we will repeat this activity next year. 😉

  2. Good idea!!! Thanks a lot for it!!!

    1. Thanks to you, Marta! We all love Prerna. ❤️


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