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ACLARACIÓN MOI IMPORTANTE. Happy Samhain -Halloween!! 🧡🎃👻🔥🧡

Sempre serei unha defensora das nosas tradicións e raíces pero nun mundo globalizado, penso que a escola non pode estar pechada ao mundo externo. 

O Halloween é, a grandes rasgos, unha evolución do Samhain que os americanos e canadienses adaptaron e mandaron de volta a Europa. Xa estaba todo inventado, nin o famoso "trick or treat" é un invento orixinal americano. 

Hoxe nos contaba Miguel, un neno de sexto de Primaria, que a súa bisavoa recordaba cando se disfrazaba o día das fogueiras.

Sempre tentarei que todos os meus alumnos sexan felices, aprendan, lean, escoiten e saquen as súas propias conclusións sen prohibicións absurdas de ningún tipo e con toda a liberdade do mundo para potenciar o seu espíritu crítico.

Feliz Samhain-Halloween!!! 🧡🔥👻🎃🧡🍁🍂

Non é unha guerra senon unha riqueza cultural e como tal, debería de contar cunha convivencia pacífica.

Que viva a diversión!

Atte: A autora desde blogue. Lourdes.

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That's how we celebrated our St.Patrick's day at school. If you would like to have a look, just click on the link below! Also, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Carolina, Araiz's mum (6th B), because she has always sent us delicious chocolate cakes every year to celebrate any special occasion. (Halloween, birthdays, St. Patrick's day... and even just for cheering us up because we worth it). 😉 You are the best! 🇮🇪🍀💚 E desta maneira celebramos o noso día de San Patricio na escola. Se queredes botar unha ollada, só tedes que premer na ligazón de abaixo. Ademáis, gustaríame dar MOITÍSIMAS GRAZAS a Carolina, a nai de Araiz (6°B) porque cada ano nos ten enviado deliciosos biscoitos de chocolate para celebrar calquera ocasión especial na clase. (Halloween, birthdays, St.Patrick's day...e incluso para animar algunha tempada baixiña, só porque nós o valemos!). 😉 Es a mellor!




1. What do you have for breakfast? 2. What's your favourite breakfast? 3. What's the most important meal of the day? Why?  4. Are you hungry in the mornings? 5. Do you prepare your own breakfast? Why? 6. Do you like to have breakfast in any special place? Where? What do you have there?  Now, let's watch a video about a full English breakfast or fry-up and answer the questions below. 1. Have you ever had an English breakfast ? 2. Can you remember all the ingredients? Have you ever tried them? 3. Is there any ingredient that you have never tried? Do you think you would like it? Why?  4. What's your favourite ingredient? Would you like to taste a full English breakfast at home?   5. If you ever make it, you can take a picture of it and send it to your teacher! Come on!! 😜 6. Draw a picture of a fry-up in your notebook, label the food and colour it. That's the recipe just in case you want to prepare a full English breakfast at home!