That's how we celebrated our St.Patrick's day at school. If you would like to have a look, just click on the link below! Also, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Carolina, Araiz's mum (6th B), because she has always sent us delicious chocolate cakes every year to celebrate any special occasion. (Halloween, birthdays, St. Patrick's day... and even just for cheering us up because we worth it). 😉 You are the best! 🇮🇪🍀💚 E desta maneira celebramos o noso día de San Patricio na escola. Se queredes botar unha ollada, só tedes que premer na ligazón de abaixo. Ademáis, gustaríame dar MOITÍSIMAS GRAZAS a Carolina, a nai de Araiz (6°B) porque cada ano nos ten enviado deliciosos biscoitos de chocolate para celebrar calquera ocasión especial na clase. (Halloween, birthdays, St.Patrick's day...e incluso para animar algunha tempada baixiña, só porque nós o valemos!). 😉 Es a mellor!
A place where you can improve your English and have fun! LOVE, TEACH AND INSPIRE...♥️����
Thank you both!! You are the best! 🤗
ReplyDeleteThat's so kind of you!! ❤️