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Showing posts from December, 2023





Merry Christmas 2023!!

Dear families, We just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎉🎊🎉   I'm very proud of all "my kids", as I usually call them, for their great work, enthusiasm and effort. Thanks to them, we are learning  how to be better teachers every day. Nobody could teach us as much as they do. Thanks for all your support, love and encouragement during this first term too and finally thanks again for always valuing our work in spite of the mistakes we could make. We really appreciated it !! We wish you all the best for the upcoming year. Love from,   Scott and Lourdes. Benqueridas familias: Só queriamos desexarvos unhas Boas Festas e un Próspero Ani Novo. Estou moi orgullosa de "todos os meus nenos e nenas", coma eu os chamo, polo seu gran traballo, entusiasmo e esforzo. Grazas a eles, aprendemos a ser un pouquiño mellores cada día. Ninguén podería ensinarnos máis nin mellor! Moitas grazas tamén polo voso cariño, apoio e ánimo durante este prim...


If you need an example of a great presentation and lovely handwriting, have a look at Noa's English notebook and you will get an excellent mark!  Thank you for sharing it with us, Noa Rocha! I'm very proud of your awesome work! 😘🩵