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Yesterday, a great actress, singer and dancer, Ariadna Santana, came to our school to perform an amazing play called "Paquita in London". 

We really enjoyed the show as we learnt many interesting facts about London and we danced and sang with her all the time. By the way, we couldn't stop laughing!
Just after seeing the play, 4°C wanted to send Ariadna a video message and Paquita was very happy to reply. 
Would you like to have a look? Just  click on the videos below and enjoy them as much as we did! 

Onte, unha fant谩stica actriz, cantante e bailarina, Ariadna Santana, veu ao noso cole para representar unha maravillosa obra de teatro: "Paquita en Londres".
Disfrutamos enormemente desta obra porque aprendimos moitas curiosidades sobre Londres e bailamos e cantamos con ela todo o tempo. Por certo, non puidemos parar de rir!

Xusto despois de ver o espect谩culo, os nenos e nenas de 4°C, quixeron enviarlle a Ariadna unha mensaxe e Paquita estivo encantada de responder! 
Gustar铆avos botarlle unha ollada aos videos? Premede neles e disfrut谩deos tanto coma n贸s.


And to top it all, Sof铆a did this wonderful job inspired by "Paquita in London".

Congratulations, Sof铆a! I'm very proud of you and your effort!

Thanks so much for these great pictures to learn the main landmarks in London. 馃槏

E para rematar, Sof铆a fixo este marabilloso traballo inspir谩ndose na obra de teatro "Paquita en Londres".

Noraboa, Sof铆a! Estou moi orgullosa de ti e do teu esforzo!

Moitas grazas por estos debuxos tan bonitos para aprender os principais puntos de referencia de Londres.


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